The Effect Of Promotion Costs On Car Sales at PT. Auto 1000 Bintaro


  • Trea Agryani Universitas Pamulang


This study aims to see the cost of promotion at PT. Auto 2000 Bintaro, as well as to see sales results and any effect of promotional costs on car sales results at the PT.The research method was carried out on a quantitative scale using quantitative data with a hypothesis examiner. The population obtained from research data about the cost of promotion and car sales results. PT. Auto 2000 Bintaro, this study does not use a sample, because the total population can be studied, namely data on promotion costs and the results of car sales at PT. Auto 2000 Bintaro 2007-2014. The data analysis method used is Simple Linear Regression Analysis, Pearson Correlation Coefficient Analysis (r), Analysis of the Coefficient of Determination (KD), and Hypothesis / T Test.The results of the study show a strong relationship between promotional costs and the results of sales of promotional costs at the company which continues to experience fluctuating changes, this study shows that the promotional costs variable (X1) on the Sales Outcomes variable (Y) has a positive and significant effect between promotional costs on The sales results are Y = 249,782 + 2,941, (a constant of 249,782 and a regression coefficient of 2,941, while the correlation value or r is 0.797 and the coefficient of determination (Kd) is 0.635 or 63.5% while the remaining 36.5% is other factors.

Keywords: Promotion Costs, Sales Results


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