The Effect Of Coordination And Effectiveness Of Suvervisors' Work On Employees Productivity At PT. Astra Argo Lestari
objectives: 1) To find out the effect of Coordination on Employee Work Productivity at PT. Astra Argo Lestari, Tbk. 2) To find out the effect of Supervisory Work Effectiveness on Employee Work Productivity at PT. Astra Argo Lestari, Tbk 3) To determine the effect of Coordination and Effectiveness of Supervisory Work jointly on Employee Work Productivity at PT. Astra Argo Lestari, Tbk. Data analysis techniques used are quantitative techniques, namely data analysis techniques using statistical formulas through the SPSS 20 statistics program. The population in this study was employees of PT. Astra Argo Lestari,Tbk 70 people.There is a coordination effect on work productivity, with a thitung value of 13,491, while the tybel value for n = 70 is 1,994. So thitung > ttabel or 13,491 > 1,994. There is an effect of supervisory work effectiveness on work productivity, with a thitung value of 16,862, while the tybel for n = 70 is 1,994.There is an influence of coordination and effectiveness of supervisory work together on work productivity, with a value of Fhitung of 302,318 which is greater than Ftabel of 2.74
Keywords: Coordination, Effectiveness of Work Supervisors, Employee Work Productivity
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