An Analysis Of Influent The Marketing Mx Against Students Satisfaction Of Insan Kamil High School With Intervening Variables Of Decision Of Students Choosing School
The aim of this study is to analysis the Influent of Marketing Mix on Students Satisfaction. This study uses a quantitative approach using both descriptive and associative types of research. The population of this study are 100 students at Insan Kamil High School. The sampling method / technique are used in this study with average sampling, therefore, as many as 100 students are the samples at Kamil Insan High School. The conclusions from the results of this discussion are as follows: 1) variable influence is discovered directly on product quality (X1) having variable influence significantly on students decision choice (Y1). 2) There has been direct variable influence on the location (X2) a significant effect is identified on the student decision choice (Y1) 3) a direct effect is identified on the cost variable (X3) which has a significant effect on the student decision choice (Y1) 4) a direct influence that the physical evidence (X4) has a significant effect is identified on the student decision choice (Y1) 5) There is an effect of Product Quality (X1), Location (X2), Price (X3) and Physical Evidence (X4) simultaneously on student decision choise (Y1) 6) There is a direct influence that the Product Quality (X1) has a significant effect on the Student satisfaction (Y2) 7) There has been direct effect on the location variable (X2) there has been a significant effect on the student satisfaction (Y2) 8) there has been a direct influence that the Student decision choise (Y1) there has been a significant effect on the student satisfacyion (Y2) 9) there has been a direct influence of the price (X3) which has a significant effect on the student satisfaction (Y2) 10) there has been a direct effect that the variable physical evidence (X4) which has a significant effect on the student satisfaction (Y2) 11) The influence has been identified on product quality (X1), location (X2), cost (X3) and physical evidence (X4) and student decision choise (Y1) simultaneously on student satisfaction (Y2).
Keywords: Marketing Mix, Product Quality, Location, Price, Physical Evidence, Student Choosing Decisions, Student Satisfaction.
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