
  • Eko Suharyanto Universitas Pamulang
  • Chrisantus Tristianto Universitas Pamulang
  • Santosa Wijayanto Universitas Pamulang


Information, Website, Promotion


The development of information and communication technology today has developed very rapidly and has affected almost all aspects of human life. In this era of information technology, it is characterized by speed and ease in obtaining the information needed. Developments that occur also greatly affect the existing activities. One of the basic human needs today is education, so it's no wonder some people are willing to spend a lot of money just to get a good education. Media promotion aims as a means of introducing or in other words promoting the product. Promotional media should reach the maximum target, namely providing information to the target audience that has been planned with as many as possible. Selection of the right media will increase the number of visitors. Website is an information page that is provided via the internet so that it can be accessed throughout the world as long as it is connected to the internet network. Website is also a component or a collection of components consisting of text, images, sound and animation so it is interesting to visit.


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