
  • Rahmat Hartono Universitas Pamulang
  • Petrus Sianggian P Universitas Pamulang
  • Ghema Nusa Persada Universitas Pamulang


Content Management System, e-commerce, Media Sosial


The development of technology and the internet and the use of e-commerce today are not only felt by urban communities, but also closely related and felt by rural communities. Social media that uses the internet is considered more effective and efficient as a means to establish relationships, do business and even be used in writing articles electronically. And basically people today are no strangers to the term social media which is packaged and introduced through the internet so that people are very close to online media or pages. Along with these developments, business platforms and online media were born that took the opportunity of public interest in online media so that they used these media as a forum for conveying communication, company / agency profiles, product promotion, services, sales and even making articles. The purpose of this activity is to provide knowledge to PKK Melati IV mothers of Ciputat Rice Field Village - South Tangerang City about the current development of digital websites. That's why this PKM will be given a website creation using a Content Management System to PKK Melati IV mothers in Ciputat Rice Field Village - South Tangerang City. In this activity, the method applied is expected to provide convenience to the mothers of PKK Melati IV Sawah Ciputat Village - South Tangerang City. The method used is the provision of material, questions and answers and practice. In the explanation method, the speaker explained about the content management system application, then the mothers of PKK Melati IV Ciputat Rice Field Village - South Tangerang City were assisted in the practice of creating online stores using existing platforms. The results of the activity provide new understanding to the mothers of PKK Melati IV Desa Sawah Ciputat - South Tangerang City in managing online stores so that they can express creative ideas so that the store is more attractive and develops and succeeds.



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