Analisis Voice of Customer dari Ulasan Pengguna Produk Smartphone pada Online Marketplace menggunakan Text Mining




Voice of Customer, Product Review, Text Mining, Topic Modeling


Advances in information technology make smartphones become one of the products owned by almost all people of productive age. With so many smartphone manufacturers today, especially at the global level, the competition to present best-selling smartphone products in the market is becoming very tight. One of the most crucial things in product development is how manufacturers can capture the opinions and desires of potential users for a product and make it one of the considerations in product development. User reviews are data that is classified as User Generated Content (UCG) and can be used as material for conducting consumer analysis in the initial phase of product development. One of the problems faced in utilizing the data is the form of data in the form of unstructured text and the amount is very large. This problems can be solved by using one approach in natural language processing, namely topic modeling. By using topic modeling, computers can extract the essence of customer reviews on the internet which are very large in number into a more structured and easy-to-understand form. In this research, we used topic modeling to gain an insight from customer review over smarthphone products. From our experiment we can infer a knowledge about the customers’ concern related to the purchased smartphones.

Author Biographies

Agung Priyanto, Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani Yogyakarta

Program Studi Informatika

Muhammad Rifqi Ma'arif, Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani Yogyakarta

Program Studi Teknik Industri


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