Valuasi Teknologi Terhadap Produk Alat Kesehatan Industri Manufaktur Sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Inovasi dan Daya Saing Menggunakan Metode TMCRL (Technology Manufacturing Commercialization Readiness Level)


  • Satrio Utomo Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRIN)



technology, sertification, collaboration, innovation, valuation


Currently, technological mastery is needed in various industrial sectors, so that Indonesia does not lag behind in technology and is able to create innovative products and be able to compete with the global market. The condition is that the products in the Indonesian market are dominated by the import market, including the medical device sector. For this reason, as an effort to reduce the number of imports, it can be done by further maximizing the capacity to use domestic products that are used by industry players and the public there is trust and pride in domestic products and encourage an increase in the number of products resulting from research and domestic innovation, including Direct Digital Rongten devices. (DDR) domestic products, of course, are more economical and of high quality. Technology valuation of DDR products needs to be carried out through identification and measurement to find out the mapping related to technology readiness and an overview of product downstreaming and commercialization. From the measurement results using the TMCRL method, where TRL is at level 5 (levels 1-9), MRL is at level 2 (levels 1-10), and CRL is at level 2 (levels 1-9). Based on the mapping, it can be seen that the product is still in the applied research stage, and still needs to be prepared to enter the development stage, including quality testing and certification. For this reason, the choice of industrial development strategy in accelerating DDR production is to strengthen the innovation system by involving health technology product innovation players in pentahelix collaboration (government, industry, universities, non-governmental organizations, as well as financing & investment institutions).


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