Comparative Study on Regression Algorithms for Predicting Price of Online Course: Udemy Case Study




Comparative Study, Machine Learning, Price Prediction, Regression


Talent in the field of information technology is much needed. However, studying in the field of information technology requires a sizable fee. Online courses are a cost-effective option for learning. Online course sites like Udemy provide and sell hundreds of thousands of courses and have thousands of trusted instructors. With so many Udemy instructors, prices vary widely because the course pricing system is completely set by the teaching instructor. This means that the selling price of the course is not affected by the quality of the course, so not all courses are recommended to be purchased. To overcome this problem, a system is needed that can predict course prices so that it can advise instructors in determining selling prices. To compare the best algorithms used to create this system, three algorithms are used in this study: multiple linear regression, polynomial regression, and K-Nearest Neighbors Regression. The researcher uses 1200 data sample from web scraping results from the Udemy site, with one test for each algorithm. As a result, the K-Nearest Neighbors Regression got the best evaluation results with a root mean squared error value of 231659.49, a mean absolute percentage error of 0.43, and a coefficient of determination of 0.18.

Author Biographies

Maximus Aurelius Wiranata, Universitas Ciputra Surabaya

Informatics, School of Information Technology

Theresia Ratih Dewi Saputri, Universitas Ciputra Surabaya

Informatics, School of Information Technology


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