Implementasi Deep Learning Menggunakan Metode CNN dan LSTM untuk Menentukan Berita Palsu dalam Bahasa Indonesia


  • Antonius Angga Kurniawan Universitas Gunadarma
  • Metty Mustikasari Universitas Gunadarma



Fake News, Indonesian Language, Deep Learning, CNN, LSTM


This research aims to implement deep learning techniques to determine fact and fake news in Indonesian language. The methods used are Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Long Short Term Memory (LSTM). The stages of the research consisted of collecting data, labeling data, preprocessing data, word embedding, splitting data, forming CNN and LSTM models, evaluating, testing new input data and comparing evaluations of the established CNN and LSTM models. The Data are collected from a fact and fake news provider site that is valid, namely There are 1786 news used in this study, with 802 fact and 984 fake news. The results indicate that the CNN and LSTM methods were successfully applied to determine fact and fake news in Indonesian language properly. CNN has an accuracy test, precision and recall value of 0.88, while the LSTM model has an accuracy test and precision value of 0.84 and a recall of 0.83. In testing the new data input, all of the predictions obtained by CNN are correct, while the prediction results obtained by LSTM have 1 wrong prediction. Based on the evaluation results and the results of testing the new data input, the model produced by the CNN method is better than the model produced by the LSTM method.

Author Biographies

Antonius Angga Kurniawan, Universitas Gunadarma

Fakultas Teknologi Informasi

Metty Mustikasari, Universitas Gunadarma

Fakultas Teknologi Informasi


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