Sistem Pengelolaan Data Warga, Informasi Kegiatan dan Informasi Penggunaan Iuran pada Lingkungan Rukun Tetangga (RT) Berbasis Web


  • Monika Yuliana Yustrinita Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta
  • Sabilla Opi Aprilia Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta



Information System, Waterfall, Unified Modeling Language (UML), PHP, MySQL


Rukun Tetangga is an organization led by the chairman of RT, rt's duties and functions are to provide services, maintain the harmony of the environment of its citizens, as well as a medium of community liaison with the local government in conveying aspirations. In observation activities and interviews directly with the chairman of RT and citizens, there are problems that are often faced by management members and citizens, the problem is the process of managing citizen data, information activities and contribution reports, the problems such as the process of recording repeatedly and the use of paper media that can cause the search process is quite time consuming and has a risk of being vulnerable to damage or loss. To overcome this, RT needs to develop data management system in Rukun Tetangga by using Waterfall as its development method and Unified Modeling Language (UML), and for the implementation process, researchers use PHP and MySQL. This research produces web-based applications for which provides management of citizen data, activity information and contribution management reports that can speed up the service process for citizens.


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