Penerapan Algoritma Convolutional Neural Network dalam Klasifikasi Telur Ayam Fertil dan Infertil Berdasarkan Hasil Candling


  • Muhammad Rizky Firdaus Universitas Trilogi



Fertile Eggs, Infertile Eggs, Convolutional Neural Network, Deep Learning


Fertile chicken eggs are eggs that can hatch because these eggs have a development in the form of dots of blood and blood vessels or can be called an embryo, while infertile chicken eggs are a type of egg that cannot be hatched because there is no embryo development in the hatching process. Inspection of infertile chicken eggs must be carried out especially for breeders who will carry out the selection and transfer of fertile chicken eggs and infertile chicken eggs. However, currently, the selection of fertile and infertile chicken eggs is still using a less effective way, namely only by looking at the egg shell or called candling, this process is certainly less accurate to classify which eggs are fertile and infertile eggs because not all breeders are able to see the results of the eggs properly. candling so that the possibility of prediction errors. Therefore, in this study, a classification of fertile chicken eggs and infertile chicken eggs will be carried out based on candling results using the Convolutional Neural Network method. From the results of the classification carried out, the percentage of accuracy obtained for the classification of fertile and infertile chicken eggs is 98% and an error of 5%.

Author Biography

Muhammad Rizky Firdaus, Universitas Trilogi

Fakultas Industri Kreatif dan Telematika


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