
  • Widya Apriani Program Studi Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Lancang Kuning Program Studi Manajemen, Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Lancang Kuning
  • Hendri Rahmat
  • Efrita Soviyanti


In Pekanbaru, the largest source of waste comes from residential areas. The factors that influence it are the population and the economic level of the population. Partners in the handsome sub-district have the largest population, namely 174,996 people compared to 11 other sub-districts in Pekanbaru. In terms of the economic level, this area is dominated by the middle and lower middle economic levels. Based on BPS data [3] in 2017, it is stated that the handsome area is the area with the highest waste production, namely 40,599.07 kg / day for the simple economy population category, 35,699.18 kg / day for the middle economic population category, and 20,229.54 for the population category with top economy. Meanwhile, on the other hand, Pekanbaru has social problems in the orphanage. Among them is the lack of independence of the orphanage in income to meet needs. Independence of the orphanage is something that is needed nowadays, because many children end up depending their future education on the orphanage. The efforts of the orphanage to improve the skills of the orphanage are constrained by a lack of skills and guidance as well as a lack of skills in processing products that have economic value and management. small business. Hikmah orphanage is one of the orphanages in Rumbai sub-district. The number of orphanage children is 11 people, consisting of 11 orphanage children who are currently undergoing education. The problem experienced by the orphanage is funding because in carrying out all of its activities this orphanage receives support from zakat, infaq and alms funds as well as non-binding donors. In fact, when viewed from the potential of the orphanage itself, among other things, the strategic location of the orphanage is an opportunity to make a business. The orphanage is located on Jalan Gurami Raya, Limbungan Village, Rumbai Pesisir District, Pekanbaru City. However, until now the orphanage has not had a productive business due to limited skills and capital. Therefore, the orphanage wishes to have a productive business by utilizing its limited yards for economic value activities.

Keywords: Training,Pavin Blok, Hikmah Orphanage


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UU No 18 Tahun 2008. Teknologi Tepat Guna dalam pengelolaan Plastik Menjadi Paving Blok.


