About the Journal
Pekobis : Jurnal Pendidikan, Ekonomi dan Bisnis [P- ISSN: 2503- 5142] [E- ISSN: 2686- 3235] is a scientific journal published by economic education study program, Faculty of Training and Education, Pamulang University. Tangerang Selatan. Indonesia. PEKOBIS covers issues concerning education, economic and bussines. The article should be based on the result of research. PEKOBIS is published since May 2016 and registered by P- ISSN in May 2016 and E- ISSN in September 2019.
Pekobis : Jurnal Pendidikan, Ekonomi dan Bisnis is focused in field education, and business. The scope of research studies published in Pekobis is the field of: Education (teaching material, teaching evaluation, learning media, learning method, education technology, education management, curriculum development, e-learning), Economic (public economics, economic development, regional economic) and Business (management business, entrepreneurship in business).
Authors must write articles in accordance with guidelines on templates and ethical provisions for publications that have been determined by Pekobis : Jurnal Pendidikan, Ekonomi dan Bisnis. Editors will only accept articles that have not been published in other journals and have met the requirements of technical writing and substance.