Work Time Analysis To Reduce Waste Of Work Time On Vin Crepes Takoyaki
The authors conducted this research at the Takoyaki Vin Crepes outlet located at Al Azhar University, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta. The background of this research is that the process of making crepes takes a long time, so to anticipate losing customers in the future, it is necessary to improve working time which is the main goal of this research, as well as setting a standard time as a benchmark. For this reason, the MOST (Maynard Operation Sequence Technique) method is used to analyze the problems that occur. The methodology used is to compare the results of observations of making crepes twice before using conventional training and twice after training with the new method proposed by the author. The results obtained are as follows: before training the working time (Ws) is 2.62 minutes and the standard time (Wb) is 2.83 minutes, after training the resulting working time (Ws) is 2.3 minutes and the standard time (Wb) is ) is 2.48 minutes. After applying the MOST method, the standard time (Wb) before training was 1.09 minutes and the standard time (Wb) after training was 1.03 minutes. There was an acceleration of the time of making crepes by 1.74 minutes before exercise (2.83 minutes-1.09 minutes), and after exercise 1.45 minutes (2.48 minutes-1.03 minutes)
Keywords: MOST, average time work, standard time
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