Analisis Kinerja Distribusi Logistik Pada PT. Handal Guna Sarana Sentul Kabupaten Bogor
This research aims to determine the performance of employees at PT. Reliable Use of Sentul Facilities Bogor Regency. The research method used is a qualitative method that is subjective by conducting interviews and observation data obtained from respondents in the form of opinions or perceptions of respondents to a matter or question of subjective data is data that can be measured by observation, because it is an opinion or perception of an individual. The results of this study showed good performance because it is influenced by several factors. The factors that influence among them are external factors of compensation and motivation to the performance of employees. Companies need to maintain the achievements that have been achieved. This can be done by establishing good relationships and communication to employees involved in the company. By understanding what employees want and need, the company can determine the right strategy for the company so that the company's goals can be achieved. The managerial implications of this study are HR Placement, work discipline, production targets, job satisfaction, motivation, compensation, good management
Keywords: Employee Performance, Distribution, Logistic
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