Implementation Of Lean To Reduce Unplanned Downtime Due To Material Shortage At PT. NPI Kalimantan Barat


  • Akbar Hilman Universitas Pamulang
  • Yudi Guntara Universitas Indonesia
  • Sugiyanto Sugiyanto Universitas Pamulang


The application of lean concepts in manufacturing has often been successful. And it should also be used in the plantation industry. The use of lean concepts is expected to make work processes more effective and efficient. The purpose of this study is to analyze and propose improvements to the work process that has been carried out so far, so that a series of work is obtained as expected. Lean principles, namely: value, value stream, flow, pull, and continuous development. One of the main tasks of Service Control at PT. Nusantara Plantation Indonesia is handling complaints regarding employee comfort at work. Based on 2022 data, the average unplanned downtime at Sempidan Mill in the last 6 months (January - June 2019) is 39.8 hours / month As a result of this, Sempidan Mill lost production processing time equivalent to 394 Tons of CPO output per month (39.8 hours x 45 Tons FFB/h x 22% OER) which is equivalent to 2.36 M of revenue per month. Sempidan Mill also has the potential to get penalties from CPO buyers, due to high FFA levels due to late fruit processing. Unplanned downtime also disrupts fruit transportation from orchards due to long truck queues due to late fruit processing. Sempidan Mill needs to achieve 0% unplanned downtime to increase productivity and minimize FFA penalties.   


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