Improving The Competence And Capital Capacity Of LebakDistrict Msmes In The Digital Marketing Era
This study aims to improve the competence and capital capacity of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Lebak Regency in facing the digital marketing era. In the context of technological advances, many MSMEs in Lebak Regency still experience bstacles in utilizing digital marketing to develop their businesses. Based on existing data, the main problems faced include limited access to capital, lack of knowledge about digital marketing, and suboptimal business management. Through the Community Service (PKM) program, this study improves the abilities of participants through comprehensive training and mentoring for MSME actors in Lebak Regency. This program includes increasing access to capital through collaboration with microfinance institutions, as well as training in financial management and digital marketing. This training is expected to provide a practical understanding of strategies to attract consumers through digital media, the use of social media and e
commerce, and more efficient business management. The results of this program are
expected to be able to improve the quality of MSME products and management,
expand marketing networks, and increase the competitiveness of MSMEs in a wider
market. Thus, MSMEs in Lebak Regency can develop optimally and efficiently, so as
to provide maximum contribution to the economy, and overcome unemployment
problems in the area.
Keywords: Capital Capacity, Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME), Digital
Open Access
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