How Artificial Intelligence Impacts Human Resource Recruitment and Selection: A Systematic Literature Review


  • Wakhid Lukas Septiono Universitas Pamulang
  • Hadi Supratikta Universitas Pamulang
  • Yayan Sudaryana Universitas Pamulang


Artificial intelligence (AI), a technology that is increasingly widespread, adaptable, and
promises a number of competitive advantages for organizations, is integral to the  evelopment of quality human resource management. AI automation in HRM functions has also been able to make many jobs and tasks, such as recruitment and selection, easier, faster, more accurate, and of higher quality. It also provides a guarantee of obtaining the right candidates to fill the position needs in the organization. The SLR method study on AI in HRM from 2019 to 2023 found that intelligent digitalization not only makes it easier to predict future needs, but it also improves the role and function of employees' work and provides training and development programs that are in line with the organization's strategic needs and long-term business goals.
Keywords: artificial intelligence, hrm, recruitment, selection, slr


