The Role of Diaspora in Digital Transformation in Indonesia


  • Duwi Lestari Universitas Pamulang
  • Yuliana Universitas Pamulang
  • Hadi Supratikta Universitas Pamulang


Digital transformation in Indonesia has brought about major changes that affect
various sectors of life, including in terms of diaspora. The growing phenomenon of digital
diaspora amidst advances in information and communication technology has brought
about changes in the way individuals or diaspora groups interact, communicate, and
maintain their cultural identity. In the context of Indonesia, the digital diaspora has played
a key role in strengthening relations between Indonesian communities abroad and the
homeland, as well as in spreading Indonesian culture globally. This journal aims to explore
the impact of digital transformation on the Indonesian diaspora, with a focus on changes
in social interaction patterns, maintenance of cultural identity, and the economic and social
contributions offered by diaspora communities through digital technology.
Keywords : Digital diaspora, digital transformation, Indonesia, information technology,
cultural identity, global community, social media


