Implementation Artificial Intellegence In Games Development


  • Adriani Universitas Pamulang
  • Pujiono Universitas Pamulang


Artificial intelligence (AI) has become one of the core technologies in modern game development, with its applications ranging from adaptive character simulation to the development of dynamic environments that respond to player actions. This study explores the role and applications of AI in games, and how this technology improves the quality and depth of the gaming experience. Through the analysis of literature studies and the development of AI methods, this study aims to explain how Non-Player Characters (NPCs) can respond to player actions in a more realistic and interactive way. AI is also used in game worlds to automatically generate environments, enabling a unique and personalized game world for each player. This study also covers the challenges in developing AI in games, such as ensuring that NPCs are not too adaptive so as not to reduce the essence of the game. The right implementation of AI can increase the ap peal and complexity of the game, creating a more immersive and engaging experience.
Keywords : Artificial Intelligence, Non-Player Character (NPC), Game Development,
Interactivity, Adaptive Simulation, Dynamic World


