The Role of AIDA in Creating Social Media Narratives for Small Business Brand Building
This study investigates the strategic use of social media as a marketing tool for small businesses, employing the Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action (AIDA) model as a framework. While the AIDA model is widely recognized in traditional and online marketing contexts, its specific application to social media marketing for small enterprises remains underexplored. This research utilized focus group discussions with thirty-two small business owners to gather qualitative insights into their experiences and strategies. The findings reveal that the AIDA model is a viable framework for structuring social media marketing efforts, providing a systematic approach to capturing attention, fostering interest, stimulating desire, and prompting actionable responses from potential customers. The study further identifies unique social media features, such as interactive content, targeted advertising, and real-time engagement, as critical components in enhancing the effectiveness of the AIDA-driven strategy. As a practical outcome, this research offers a strategic guideline for sm all business entrepreneurs, emphasizing the need to align social media content with the stages of the AIDA model to maximize
marketing impact. These findings contribute to the growing body of knowledge on
social media marketing and demonstrate the relevance of the AIDA model in the
digital age, particularly for small enterprises seeking cost-effective and scalable
marketing solutions.
Keywords: AIDA, advertising, marketing impact, social media
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