Technology-Based Career Development in the Digital Talent Program by Kominfo: The Role of AI in Enhancing Digital Career Readiness in Indonesia


  • Ida Farida Universitas Pamulang
  • Nurlina Hardiyanti Universitas Pamulang
  • Andi Supriadi Universitas Pamulang


In the era of rapid digital transformation, the need for highly skilled digital talents is increasing, especially in industries that utilize artificial intelligence. This article explores the role of AI technology in technology-based career development applied in the Digital Talent Scholarship program by the Ministry of Communication and Informatics in Indonesia. The DTS program aims to equip the community with digital skills, from basic to advanced levels, in order to improve digital career readiness that is relevant to the needs of the modern industry. This research discusses how the integration of AI in the training and career planning process can provide personal and effective guidance for participants to achieve their professional goals. Utilizing a qualitative-descriptive approach, this study examines the structure and effectiveness of AI-integrated training in improving digital competencies, while also exploring the ethical implications of leveraging participant data for career recommendations. The research findings highlight the pivotal role of AI in personalizing career trajectories, accelerating learning, and providing more accurate access to information about digital job opportunities. However, the analysis also identifies
challenges related to data privacy and algorithmic bias that can potentially influence
career recommendations. These insights offer new perspectives on both the potential
and limitations of applying AI in technology-driven career development within the
Indonesian context, and provide recommendations to strengthen sustainable, AI-based
digital training infrastructure. The article contributes to the scholarly discourse on
technology-driven human resource management and serves as a foundation for
policymakers in designing inclusive and adaptive training programs that cater to the evolving needs of the digital job market.
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Career Development, Digital Talent, Digital Career
Readiness,Human Resource Management


