Factors Affecting Employee Performance
Knowing employee performance and the factors that influence performance in a public organization is very important or in other words has very strategic value. Measuring employee performance should be interpreted as an evaluation activity to assess or see the success and failure of implementing the tasks and functions assigned to them. The purpose of this study is to find out factors that influence employee performance.The method of this study is qualitative descriptive. The qualitative data obtained is primary data because it comes from surveys of employees and direct observations at the research
location. In this research, there are 40 employees of Deputy for Research and Innovation Facilitation – National Research and Innovation Agency that was being espondents.According to pre survey to the employees, the factors that most influence employee performance include: work environment, work culture,
competency, and job satisfaction. Around 85% or 34 employees, chose the work
environment as the most influential factor on their performance. The next factors
that influence employee performance are work culture which was chosen by 19
respondents, competency which was chosen by 16 respondents, and job
satisfaction which was chosen by 10 respondents. These factors should be
concerned by the agency to support their employee’s performance in accordance
to reach agency goals.
Keywords: Employee Performance, work environment, work culture, competency, and job satisfaction
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