Analysis of Business Planning and Development at PT. Unilever Indonesia, Tbk


  • Yayan Sudaryana Universitas Pamulang
  • Hadi Supratikta Universitas Pamulang
  • Mashitoh Br Sirait Universitas Pamulang
  • Riska Safitri Universitas Pamulang
  • Mira Pardiyah Universitas Pamulang
  • Alvia Rayhana Universitas Pamulang


Planning and development is one aspect that companies pay attention to in order to formulate a structured strategy in business management. Business planning and development as an effort to maximize the potential of resources ownedby the company, especially the company PT Unilever Indonesia, Tbk. Unilever Indonesia, Tbk is one of the large companies in Indonesia that produces daily necessities. This study was conducted to determine the analysis of the business environment, marketing planning, human resource planning, technology development, and business ethics at PT. Unilever Indonesia, Tbk. This study was conducted using a qualitative literature review method by involving a comprehensive study of various references relevant to the research topic. From the results of this study, it is known that PT. Unilever Indonesia, Tbk carries out business development
and planning through five aspects, namely business environment analysis by analyzing the company's external and internal environment, marketing planning with
product differentiation, distributors, advertising, and discounts, human resource
planning with the recruitment process, employee training, and incentives, technology
development with the application of packaging development, and business ethics by
implementing several business ethics. Business planning and development carried
out by PT. Unilever Indonesia, Tbk shows a strong commitment to achieving the
company's strategic goals.
Keyword: Business Planning and Development, PT. Unilever Indonesia, Business


