Influence Analysis UTAUT Model In Consumer Contex On Purchasing Decisions Consumer Millennials on Users Tiktok at XYZ Start Up Company


  • Apriana Novita YG Universitas Pamulang
  • Sugiyanto Universitas Pamulang


This study was conducted to determine the influence of the UTAUT In Costumer Context MODEL on the use of E-Commerce, especially Tiktok, on Millennial consumers at PT XYZ, in this case how the model can influence  purchasing decisions. In this study, data collection using an online questionnaire via Google form to 80 PT XYZ employees who are active as users of Tiktok Social Media and actively shop through the E-Commerce. Sampling was carried out with the criteria of Tiktok users who have shopped at least once a month. This research is a quantitative study with data processing using SPSS. The results of this study obtained that the UTAUT In Consumer Context Model influences Millennial  Consumer Purchasing Decisions on Tiktok Users at PT XYZ. This is illustrated in the value of the calculation results obtained a significant value of 0.000. This value is <0.05. thus variable X influences variable Y.
Keywords : UTAUT Model In Consumer Context; Purchasing Decision


