Quality Management System (QMS) practices in Malaysia Polytechnic institution: Observational study on the role of people
Malaysian Polytechnic has to play crucial role in producing skillful and employable graduates but faced some struggles in ensuring the Quality Management System (QMS) continuosly practiced among academic staff. The QMS as a tool to complement the function of Polytechnic Malaysia have their own challenge related to dynamic standards and practices. Common challenges are an absence of sustainable approaches, manpower training problems, and a low level of understanding quality principles.This paper will review the QMS practices at several Malaysia Polytechnic and discussing the role of people in driving QMS practices.The research adopts an
ethnographic or observational method. Further studies need to be conducted to investigate empirically how the enablers of EFQM model relate with education in the context of Polytechnic Malaysia.
Keywords: Quality Management System, Polytechnic Malaysia, EFQM
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