Factors Influencing Visitors’ Satisfaction On Zoo Negara Malaysia
The tourist business is a significant contributor to Malaysia's economy and is one of its primary sources of revenue. Due to the fact that tourism industry provides services to its clients, it is critical for businesses that supply those services to place a strong emphasis on the satisfaction of their clients as a measure of service quality and on the prevention of low levels of customer satisfaction to uphold the positive reputation of the industry. There are various destinations for tourism located in Malaysia, one of which is the renowned Zoo Negara. In order to maintain a steady stream of visitors in today's increasingly competitive tourism market, zoos must take into consideration the needs and level of satisfaction of their visitors. The primary goal of this study is to determine how visitors' satisfaction with Zoo Negara Malaysia is influenced by the service quality, facilities, attractions, cost, and risk. The study is quantitative and was
carried out utilising convenience sampling methods and questionnaires. 350 visitors to Zoo Negara completed surveys to provide feedback. Evaluation of tourist satisfaction with Zoo Negara is based on the level of service, the facilities, the attractions, the price,
and the level of risk. The data were analysed using regression analysis. Based on the findings, it is clear that service quality, attraction, cost, and risk have a significant impact on visitors’ satisfaction with Zoo Negara. As a result of the success of this research, it
appears that trouble areas can be improved upon to achieve higher levels of customer satisfaction. In addition, the conclusions and recommendations based on the findings place an emphasis not only on the enhancement of the facilities at Zoo Negara but also
on the preservation of the high level of service and attractions that have received favourable comments from visitors.
Keywords: Service quality, facilities, attractions, cost, and risk and visitors‘ satisfaction
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