Macro Fun Innovative Game Base For Teaching Macroeconomics
In the current era, smartphones and video games are primary sources of entertainment for the younger generation. To leverage this trend, the "Macro Fun" innovation aims to enhance students' macroeconomics knowledge through engaging gameplay. This educational game merges entertaining elements with learning, offering a creative approach to teaching macroeconomics in classrooms. Inspired by the popular game "Super Mario Adventures" and developed using Unity Software, "Macro Fun" is designed to provide a fun, interactive learning experience for Commerce Department studentsat Polytechnic Malaysia. In the game, students navigate obstacles
and challenges, answering macroeconomics questions to progress. Correct answers determine their success, promoting both engagement and knowledge retention. A study on its effectiveness was conducted among second- semester students in the
2024/2025 session at Politeknik Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah,Politeknik Tuanku Sultanah Bahiyah, and Universitas Pamulang in Indonesia.The results showed that 54% strongly agreed the game enhanced their engagement, with 93.7% agreeing
overall. For learning effectiveness, 57% strongly agreed it improved their understanding, with 96% in agreement. The game's visual and cognitive design received positive feedback, with 56.5% strongly agreeing and 96.5% overall agreement on its appeal and usability.These findings demonstrate the potential of "Macro Fun" to make macroeconomics learning enjoyable and effective, integrating gaming and
education to enhance pedagogical approaches. The innovation successfully captivates students' interest and provides a modern tool for improving their understanding of macroeconomic concepts, making it a valuable resource for higher education institutions.
Keywords; Game-based learning,Macroeconomics education,Student engagement, Fun Learning
Open Access
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