INNOVATION: International Journal of Management Science is committed to upholding the highest standards of publication ethics. We expect all authors, reviewers, and editors to adhere to ethical guidelines to ensure that the research published is of the highest integrity, accuracy, and quality. The following principles outline the expectations and ethical standards for authors, reviewers, and editors involved in the publication process.
Authors submitting manuscripts to INNOVATION: International Journal of Management Science must adhere to the following ethical standards:
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In cases where errors or unethical practices are identified after publication, INNOVATION: International Journal of Management Science has a policy of issuing corrections or retractions when necessary. This includes:
All authors, reviewers, and editors must disclose any potential conflicts of interest that may influence their work or judgments regarding the publication. Conflicts of interest should be declared at the time of submission, during the review process, and when making editorial decisions.
INNOVATION: International Journal of Management Science takes all forms of publication malpractice seriously. This includes, but is not limited to, plagiarism, data fabrication or falsification, and unethical authorship practices. Any suspected malpractice will be investigated thoroughly, and if substantiated, the article will be retracted or corrected. In addition, individuals found guilty of such practices may be banned from submitting to the journal in the future.
By adhering to these publication ethics guidelines, INNOVATION: International Journal of Management Science aims to uphold the highest standards of academic integrity and contribute to the advancement of management science and innovation research.
Published By:
Univeritas Pamulang, Banten, Indonesia.
Address: Pamulang, Tangerang Selatan, Banten, Indonesia
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