The Effectiveness Of CIRC (Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition) And Reciprocal Stategies To Teach Reading For Students With Different Level Of Motivation


  • Fitriyah Fitriyah Fitriyah Universitas Pamulang


circ, reciprocal, motivation, reading, learning strategy


The objectives of this research are to investigate the effectiveness of CIRC and reciprocal strategies in teaching reading for students with different level of motivation. The method is quantitative approach. The study is experimental and the factorial design as the research design. The data were obtained by giving pretest, treatment to experimental group, posttest for both CIRC and reciprocal for students with different level of motivation. As the result, there was significant different between CIRC and reciprocal and positive interaction between different level of students motivation. The result of the study revealed that CIRC was effective to teach reading to the high and lower motivation with significances 4.662 > 4.113. also, Reciprocal strategy was effective to teach highand lower students with significances 10.489 > 4.113. There is interaction of motivation and learning strategy in this study. It can be concluded, CIRC and Reciprocal startegies could be implememted well and it was effective to teach reading for students with different level of motivation. Referring to the result ofthe study, itis recommended that teacher should teach students awareness of using cooperative learning in order to students enjoy and active when learning and teaching process

Author Biography

Fitriyah Fitriyah Fitriyah, Universitas Pamulang

Dosen di Program Studi S1 Bahasa Inggris Fakultas Sastra Universitas Pamulang


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