Focus and Scope

YEPEI's focus is related to research in the field of electrical engineering. The scope of YEPEI includes control and instrumentation research, industrial automation, mechatronics and robotics, electronics and microelectronics, integrated systems, biomedical equipment engineering, electronic materials, biosensors, power systems, power transmission, smart grid, insulation and protection, power generation New energy and renewable energy, energy conversion, management and conservation, information and communication technology.

Fokus dan Cakupan
Fokus YEPEI terkait dengan penelitian di bidang teknik elektro. Cakupan YEPEI meliputi penelitian kontrol dan instrumentasi, otomasi industri, mekatronika dan robotika, elektronika dan mikroelektronika, sistem terpadu, teknik peralatan biomedis, material elektronik, biosensor, sistem tenaga, transmisi daya, jaringan pintar, isolasi dan proteksi, pembangkitan daya, energi baru dan energi terbarukan, konversi energi, manajemen dan konservasi, teknologi informasi dan komunikasi.